

Lingerie Underwear wholesale


Welcome to GIOVE S.R.L. in LATINA


You want to have top quality products? GIOVE S.R.L is the right place for you!


GIOVE S.R.L. LATINA company specialized in distribution of excellent products and offers a complete and professional service. Visit our website and lasciateviconvincere from our very interesting offer.

Our departments; Man, woman, child, infant, newborn, bathrobes, Swimsuits, co-ordinated, deal.


Our articles

Stockings, tights, knee socks, Shoe, tips, Ghosts, cyclist, briefs, Boxer Briefs, Brazilian, Thong, Panties, Panty, tight and wide strap Shirts short sleeve and long, nightwear, bras, Body, modelers, girdles, Corsets, costumes, Blankets, Bathrobes, etc.

Brands covered

Pompea, Playtex, CST, CLG, Diadora, fruit, Pezzini, Falk, Is she Liabel &, Love and Bra, Roberta, Jadea, surf, Beautiful, Primacy, Lady blue, Luvistile, Lapu Lapu, Gios, Shukur, Disney, Coveri, Nuvò, Karel, Vilfram, Apple Peel, Rossoporpora, Primal, Nouvel-Age, sailing, Baby T&R, Baby Nancy, Marilan, BC, Swippi, Acquilone, sexy stockings, Charro, Krizia, sweet Moon, blue world, CDV, petals, One Way, Henri, Etc.., Etc ...


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Telefono :   +39 0773 489611


WhatsApp : +39 347 2336323


E-mail : ingrossointimo@libero.it


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L' azienda effettua

Orario Continuato


dal Lunedì al Venerdì,

dalle ore 09:00  alle ore 19:00


Sabato e Domenica,

solo per appuntamento.



Stampa | Mappa del sito
GIOVE SRL - Via Basento 5/7 - 04100 Latina